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FaMA at Home: The Kids Lead the Way in Fitness!

fama singapore kids martial arts workout at home

What does life look like, being at cooped up at home during this Circuit Breaker season? Admittedly, we adults have adapted rather slowly. We are indeed, creatures of habit. This curveball has led us to realise how much we depend on all sorts of systems to live a comfortable life.

The first week was an uphill climb for many of us. From struggling to find alternatives to keep fit (try telling a Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu practitioner to go jogging), to wondering how to stay connected with each other (anyone wanna Zoom?). We were forced to learn and adapt to this "new normal" at an almost-unreasonable speed. Thankfully, a new rhythm is finally falling into place, but we know that the learning curve has only just begun to steepen.

While we adults try to figure things out, we hear reports of the FaMA Kids, and their families, creating a spin on their Home-Based Learning: a Fitness Edition!

Here are a few cool activities that the young ones have been up to...

1. Push-ups and Handstand Practices

Jack and Hattie Court test their core and bodyweight strength with basic calisthenics… Which seemed like all fun and games till Dad felt the need to one-up everyone with his ultra-difficult handstand push-ups - without the wall.

Come on, Dad…

2. The Start of a Headstand Challenge

If you have hung around a FaMA kids class, you will know that the kiddos absolutely love going upside down for some reason. Medium Monstro brothers Max and Kayden were seen attempting a series of headstands throughout two days, followed by father and son duo Tim and Oscar Yee.

We have heard that Oscar had also called our Operations Manager and Assistant Instructor Steve out for a headstand challenge. Did Coach Steve succeed? You'll have to ask him yourself…

3. More Parent-Child Activities

fama singapore kids martial arts brazilian jiu jitsu bjj muay thai boxing from home

A FaMAly that trains together stays together. Tim and Oscar are just one of the few families that practice the same martial arts within FaMA, and this makes for an ultimate family bonding activity at home. Our Marketing Manager James Lee has also engaged his daughter Jayah in some BJJ grip-breaking drills, as well as Muay Thai padwork. 

Another endearing father-daughter pair would have to be Dave Jones and his little daughter. Mali, who attends the Little Warriors class, looks to be growing more robust and agile as she keeps fit with her dad.

Meanwhile, Kamryn and her mummy also took up the Tiktok Plank challenge as a fun way to bond and sweat it out together! That takes some serious coordination!

4. Sibling Throwdowns

If you want to pick someone your own size, it is most helpful to also have a sibling who also trains. In one household, we saw Brazilian brothers Gabriel and Gustavo Botelho going at it like hurricanes with BJJ and strength and conditioning drills! Elysa and Cooper Iafolla were also reported by their mum to be settling disputes sparring on the playmats almost every night.

It is heartening to know the kids are not only practicing their martial arts skills at home but also, with their siblings!

(Also, anything to give parents some breathing room, right? 🍷)

5. FaMA Kids Party

fama singapore kids martial arts party zoom coach steve

Just yesterday, Assistant Instructor Steve took on over 40 FaMA Kids in a Zoom fitness session. This 45-minute session comprised high-energy movements, including a modified "Dead or Alive" game at the end of the class, guaranteed to knock the young 'uns out right after dinnertime. Everyone had tons of fun, including Coach Steve, some other assistant instructors, and some parents who sneaked in!

The Circuit Breaker might deprive us of certain activities that we are so used to. Still, the children encourage us that as long as you put your heart to it, you can find fun and meaning with what you have. Stay tuned! In the weeks to come, we will share more interesting "FaMA at Home" stories, as we navigate this unusual season together.

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FaMA - Fitness and Martial Arts Established in 2016, FaMA is a world-class martial arts academy located in the heart of the Central Business District in Singapore. Walking distance from Clarke Quay and Fort Canning MRT stations, FaMA’s main goal is to help people improve their lives through martial arts regardless of age or athletic capability. Our Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ), Muay Thai Kickboxing, Kids Martial Arts and Fitness programs are led by experts in their respective fields. So, whether it is weight loss, a fun workout, camaraderie, competition training, or just to break a sweat, FaMA has something for the whole family.


FaMA - Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ)

and Muay Thai Classes


30 Prinsep Street,

#03-01, Floor 3, Rochor

Singapore 188647

(Open on Google Maps)

 Closest MRT


Bras Basah

Dhoby Ghaut


Income At Prinsep

(off Bencoolen St)


Monday to Friday

6:30 AM - 9:00 PM


Saturday and Sunday

9:00 AM - 3:00 PM


+65 6352 0992


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