Three weeks into the circuit breaker, our leading instructors have gotten the FaMA community up and going with Zoom classes! Reportedly, some of the classes are tougher than one would think, leaving some of us aching for days.
Meanwhile, we decided to check in on our Assistant Instructors and find out what they have been keeping themselves occupied during the circuit breaker.

"I’ve been doing 20-30 minutes of bodyweight exercises and BJJ solo drills a few times a week. I’m also taking advantage of the Zoom classes going on! Aside from that and working from home, I sometimes play video games and catch up on shows. I’ve been watching cinematography tutorials as well. Also, does Just Dance 2020 count as an exercise? Hahaha!

If there’s one thing I learned about myself during this period, it would be that I’m not such an introvert after all. I miss the luxury of being able to go out and meet friends. This period of staying home has triggered me to become more creative with brainwork and productivity.
I’d encourage FaMA members and martial artists to stay positive and healthy while staying at home. Keep your body moving at least 2-3 times a week, and definitely stay connected with friends and family because we all need positive support. Don’t forget that aside from staying productive, it’s okay to sometimes let yourself play video games and have fun!

Also… dancing games are really fun. You should try it."

“I’ve been running more to keep up my cardio and practicing BJJ solo drills, and watching a lot of old BJJ competitions on YouTube. I skate around on the longboard sometimes too. Also, I did my first Muay Thai shadow boxing class with Kru Yo the other day and learned that my coordination is entirely off. I should do more of it.

My advice to others is that we should take this opportunity to condition our bodies better. Then, when we do get back to regular training, it will be a lot easier on the muscles.”

“I have been filling up a reusable bag with water bottles as a way to replace dumbbells for my training regime. Being at home means more time for the family, so I get to work on partner pad work with my wife and spend more father-daughter time with my toddler, engaging in all sorts of activities such as playtime and reading!

This period has helped me see how I can make the most of any situation. I have tried not to let the social distancing, closures, and cancellations affect my physical and mental wellbeing. Instead, I look for alternatives. I also often look to this phrase during tough times: “At the end of a storm, there’s a golden sky.” These are lyrics to the song of my favourite football club, Liverpool. This period will eventually end; we will just do have to do our part and ride through this!”

"After ten years of non-stop training and competition, not being able to roll for a few months forced me to consider a lot of things. I concluded that the primary factor holding me back from scaling my performance higher was my weakness with time management. If I can improve my ability to manage time, then it will enable me to train more, study more, and achieve more – all while reducing the stresses associated with preparing for championships, exams, and other extracurriculars.

I found a lot of online tools for developing time management skills and disciplines. Here is an example.

My goal upon returning from the Circuit Breaker is to use these tools and methods to manage my time. I believe this will enable me to train at FaMA for more hours each week and to keep winning championships, without creating a conflict or crisis in other areas of my life where I have important objectives.”

“Doing the kid’s classes have been more tiring than I thought - that has been the ‘workout’ that keeps me sweating, along with a few of the other fitness and stretching classes. I really enjoy the stretching class, since I’ve been doing a lot of sitting this circuit breaker!

A typical day for me now is to wake up, make a healthy smoothie breakfast, and catch up on the daily news. I make sure to start work at 9 am to keep me on a “normal schedule.” We have been cooking more, which is nice. I also try to take a walk just to get out a bit while observing safe distancing measures. Also, a lot of Netflix Documentaries… A lot!

I have learned that working from home is not as relaxing as one would think. However, crisis adaptation is critical. Being able to learn adaptation has been an ongoing experience.”

“I consider myself lucky to be living under the same roof as another BJJ purple belt. We can still drill and do positional sparring together as a result. I have also been running a lot more than usual.
Before the circuit breaker, I would only read on weekends or while traveling abroad. Now, I can read for nearly 90 minutes a day... because there is only so much Netflix you can watch. I’ve also begun to play PC games again, something I haven’t done for many, many years.

Speaking of Netflix, I found out that I actually enjoy Korean dramas. Just being honest.
As someone who has been working from home for the past five years, one advice or tip I can give those not used to it is to establish a daily routine. It is very easy to lose track of time, and a routine can help overcome that. Set a schedule and stick to it, wake up as you would on a regular day, and allocate time for your activities. Do what you’ve set out to do on your schedule, and develop that routine."

"I’ve been really diligent in going running every other day during this period. Thank God that BJJ already primed my stamina - before I did any sports 9 years ago, I struggled to keep up at 2+km, running slowly. Now I run at an average of 5km but could go further if I want to. So running has been my opportunity to sweat.

I’ve been catching up on my reading, occasionally baking bread, and doing lots of painting. Do you reckon I will have my very own museum by the time the Circuit Breaker is over on 1st June? 😉
During this period, I learned that I am an extremely relational person who loves friendships and conversations. As such, video calling my friends has helped me keep sane and feel loved and connected. I honestly think we shouldn’t default back to texting. Texting and DMs are terrible ways to communicate."
FaMA - Fitness and Martial Arts Established in 2016, FaMA is a world-class martial arts academy located in the heart of the Central Business District in Singapore. Walking distance from Clarke Quay and Fort Canning MRT stations, FaMA’s main goal is to help people improve their lives through martial arts regardless of age or athletic capability. Our Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ), Muay Thai Kickboxing, Kids Martial Arts and Fitness programs are led by experts in their respective fields. So, whether it is weight loss, a fun workout, camaraderie, competition training, or just to break a sweat, FaMA has something for the whole family.